Riding Lessons at Sleepy Hollow Farm
..with a genuine interest in helping children learn.
Nestled in Upper Bucks County countryside our horseback riding lessons are primarily designed to teach children about
caring for the animals, riding safely and compassionately and
to give the children a deep
sense of pride and accomplishment.
Friendly and knowledgeable instructors offer children's riding lessons for ages 4 and and up. Safety is top priority as children are learning to ride and learning about horsemanship.
Each one hour lesson starts with 15 minutes of learning to groom and tack up the pony. Following a half-hour ride, the last 15 minutes are spent untacking as well as caring for the pony and equipment.
Horse riding lessons are designed to teach the beginner through advanced child riding skills and overall knowledge of horses through fun games, gymnastics, exercises, trail rides and jumping, along with care of the animal. Children practice these skills on different ponies. Our goal is for them to become competent, knowledgeable and empathetic riders.
Always There Are the Horses
I ride because I rode as a child when life was simpler and somehow more complete. Only the whiff of a clean horse is needed to remind of days gone by. For always there have been the horses.
I ride because of all the great horse souls who have shared their lives with me and taught me more than I can say. Their names and faces flash before me as old friends. I ride and dream of all the horses I shall never ride. Those I have watched and marveled at from afar for all their grace and beauty. This the stuff of a child's dream, the kind that doesn’t die with time.
I ride because the seasons call to me. Each unique in its appeal and all quite frequently best viewed from the back of a favorite horse.
I ride because of all things, horses are my passion. They inspire and encourage, energize, and challenge in ways not easy to explain to the un-initiated.
I ride because of the rush of stretching one's self just a bit farther today than before both mind and body.
I ride because of those briefest of spans when the partnership comes to full promise; when barriers fall, each footfall is measured and balanced between the two as a dance. There are no others ....only this moment and this ride. The memories of those times stand vivid to be recalled with all their freshness, in times less grand.
But if I must choose, I ride because I have dreams yet to live. I ride because I have dreams yet to have, and what exactly they will be I cannot say ... but always there will be the horses.
Author Unknown
Riding a horse is not a gentle hobby, to be picked up and laid down like a game of solitaire. It is a grand passion. It seizes a person whole and, once it has done so, he will have to accept that his life has been radically changed [Ralph Waldo Emerson].